Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Habari za Joini

Jay and Jeffrey had to go into town today. I went for a long walk along the beach when the tide was out. I walked across the usual stretch of sand but then had to climb round the side of the cliff with the waves crashing by my feet. There were a couple of coves each with small beaches, and I managed to get to the beach that we had crossed on the Sunday before. I could see the huge Baobab from afar. I decided to turn round because I wasn't sure the tide was going out, and I was conscious that if it was coming in I would be trapped in a cove.

I came back and again saw an array of marine organisms: I saw a number of small eels, as well as a potentially lethal sea urchin. It had a pink appearance with short red and white spines. The spines contain sacks filled with a poison which can kill humans.

I got back and it was nearly time to go to the primary school. My backpack was unbelievably heavy. I had to carry the 30 sketchbooks for the kids. When I got to the school I handed them out at the beginning of class and they were really happy to get them. Throughout the lesson they carried them around.

The kids really enjoyed making the models in class and took them home. The teacher had been going around in the morning asking the kids about facts that they had learnt the day before. They answered correctly which showed that something was sinking in.


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